Tuesday, December 16, 2014

When do you wear your leather?

Some of my friends look at me like I'm a bit crazy because I will often wear my leather to bed. What they still haven't realized, is that for me leather is not a dress up thing. Men's drag I've heard people say. But for me it's so much more than that, that's why I wear my gear everyday in some form or fashion. I sleep in it because for me it truly is a second skin. I feel more normal in my leather than the rare occasions that I am not wearing any. And trust me when I say rare I mean like almost never. When you really think about it you can wear leather every where because it looks great with every. I have a few guys I know that they will wear it under their suit and tie to the office. That to me is so fucking hot!! I need to find a man like that. So now I pose my question to you all. When do you wear your leather?  
 Wear it on the subway?

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